Monday, February 23, 2009


1. I may be a nerd for it but I'm beginning a self-defense course today - and I'm all-that-nervousness you feel as if it were the first day of junior high. I've always wanted to be a ninja!!

2. John and I are looking to acquire a doggy-doo. I feel all adult-like considering buying a dog with John, a new and unfamiliar feeling. I was really excited about it at first but now I'm feeling hesitant. I'm not quire sure why though. I believe we can handle the responsibility and it would be great. I don't know. . .opinion? We like this guy, Riza:

3. Does anyone know of a no-fee, one bedroom apartment (preferably 750 sq. feet) in SoHo for $750? HahahaHAHAHAhahaha. Yeah, I know, I'm crazy.


Michelle Glauser said...

Hi Tanya! It's been forever. I was thinking yesterday I should just send you my last journal entry, because it covered about a month of time. Ha ha. That's cool that you're doing self-defense, and the dog idea is really awesome, though I worry about the expense, you guys being away at work a lot, and moving to NY. That being said, the dog you have pictured is cute. About the apartment, have you contacted the ward housing specialist in the NY ward? There's usually one of those in places like NY. Or maybe you can contact the one in the singles ward, I know they have one. Megan Mason or Emily Mitarai would know . . .