Friday, March 6, 2009

The good, bad, the ugly, and what will make me fat (or fatter, take your pick).

1. The bad: I took John to the airport today. He'll be gone to New York, . . .. again.

2. The good: John went to New York for orientation! Yay, go John!

3. The real good: As I was walking back to my car from math class I noticed the UU meter maid handing out what validates my Grandma in nicknaming me her little "space-trooper". I threw all propriety to the wind and started running towards my car as he was only about five cars up from mine. I dropped my cell phone (which has already partially given up the ghost as I can't see anything displayed on the screen), let a tiny shriek, and stumbled around as my backpack swung around my shoulders to the front of me when trying to retrieve the parts of my cell splayed all over the asphalt. But, real good news, I beat the meter maid! I beat that sucker to my car and laughed audibly in his uncaring face!

4. The ugly: Michael Jackson is reportedly coming to Salt Lake for his "last" concert tour. Don't get me wrong, I love his music and he's a great performer. But dang is he an ugly person inside and out (and I don't think many people are ugly . . inside or out, I guess I'm naive like that). I justify listening to his music by thinking that all of his illegal and morally wrong actions were pursued after the making of my favorite CDs.

5. What will make me fat: I felt that this was an appropriate add-on as life seems to always entail something that will make me fat. I found a place called the Village Baker near my work which has relocated to South Jordan. I was ecstatic because their sandwiches taste almost like the DeLeMare's - the bakery I worked at my Junior year of High School which has been closed the many years past. I don't know if there is any hope left for burgeoning Halle Berry figure.


Michelle Glauser said...

I have something else to make you fat. I read on a blog that the Acme Burger Company in Salt Lake has the best burgers you will ever have. Here is their cool website: