Wednesday, January 21, 2009



After my first class, pre-ballet, ended all the girls waited for their parents to pick them up. As Olivia* began to leave with her Mom she stopped at the bottom of the stairwell and shouted up to me that she had a pony too (coincidentally Jane* brought her pony to class and was showing me) and that her name was, get your pencils out “Ms. Beautiful-sparkles-curly-wonderful”! Jane then meekly said “My pony’s name is Molly, she’s from the olden days”. Those girls are adorable!


While watching a movie with John and my parents and the following monologue ensued, “Argh! A fly just flew into my eye! I mean, it just dove strait for my eye. I swear I’m not lying. Why does everything have to rhyme?!”


John and I slept from 11pm Sunday evening until 12pm Monday, ate lunch, and fell back asleep until 6pm – at which point we ate dinner and then fell back asleep around 8pm.


Was reminded that my family likes to call David Archuleta – David Enchilada or just Enchilada. Missed a call from Michelle because I was trying to carry three large bags of laundry down to my parent's basement! :(


Michelle Glauser said...

No! Come back online. :(

Hey, Monday sounds like heaven. I'm needing such a day.